Saturday, June 6, 2009

new zaman article

just got back from Georgia. more on that later.
for now, an article published yesterday in Today's Zaman: here.
i got a deal to publish one a week for 4 straight. 


aaaa said...

Ben, how was Georgia like??? what kind of an experience was it?

tüpbebek said...


it was great. really kind people. beautiful country. i wish i could explore it longer. i made a bunch of notes and took some pictures that i'll post later.

good luck with finals!


The Last Unicorn said...

Congrats! That's wonderful.

aaaa said...

glad you liked it! wish i could see such kind of places too. can't wait to see the pictures and posts.

thanks for your 'good luck' wish:)

see you really soon,
